Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 19

Jodi, Michael and I met up last Thursday for our first Rittenhouse Square action. We discussed approaches to approaching people, and then went to it. I alternated between approaching people who seemed likely, and unlikely, to participate. Jodi and Michael spent time talking with a man who made a drawing for his mother.

Here are the results! All have been mailed to their respective recipients. Please click on an image to see the larger view of the drawings.

Your comments and thoughts are welcomed!

A drawing involving the police, a Muslim priest, and people fleeing Philadelphia for New Jersey.
Sent to Mayor John Street.

"give teachers the freedom to teach creatively and substantively, not just teach to standardized tests"
Sent to the Philadelphia School Reform Commission.

Tony's drawing for his mother.

A drawing sent to Michael Nutter ( the Philadelphia Democratic Mayoral Candidate) regarding casinos in Philadelphia.

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