Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 12th at the A-Space

The first rainy day at the A-Space, and a chance to try out the rain plan: I put a sandwich board sign outside the door, with my umbrella propped over it to keep the sign dry. Liz was with me, and we set up a table inside with the clipboard and markers. Then I posted myself at the door to invite people inside to make drawings. Much to our surprise, we got two very interested people right away! They turned out to be the only takers... I chatted with a good number of folks passing by, and handed out a lot of postcards with the information on when people could come back. Liz and I packed up a little early once it became clear that we weren't going to be getting more participants, but had a nice chat. And Liz made a great drawing too- I didn't take a picture of it, so you'll have to go to the A-Space to see it!

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