Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Have you Received a Drawing?

The drawings have been mailed! If you have received a drawing in the mail, please let us know by posting a comment to this post! We'd love to hear what you think of the drawing you received, and the project in general. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the drawing and the love sent with it. What a wonderful way for family members who live far away from each other to brighten each others day.

Simon said...

It's a sweet drawing. It has cats and dogs on dominoes, an annoying bird, an annoyance monitor, a strong man, letters and fruits on it. It was great having these feelings of devotion and annoyance expressed in a drawing.

Unknown said...

This is from Jim, a friend:

Today I took my cat to the vet--he's the one I sent the "Show Someone How You Feel..." project. The picture was right there on the wall in the exam room! He even put it in a beautiful frame! I am very happy he and his staff appreciated it so much.

jeanenej said...

I received a very cool picture of me, (the mystery artist even managed to make me look kinda cute!) This project was really creative & engaged the community; mad props to Zoe Cohen!
To the mystery artist; Thank you for making me your muse & for considering me a "neighborhood treasure". I will treasure the masterpiece!

Warm regards,
JeaneneJ "JJ" aka UCALgal